Thursday, May 07, 2009

I've been admonished to "Get with it"!

These ought to keep you in desk-to background photos for a while....

Flower Power!
Hurt-your-eyes gorgeous!
This is the flower of the Hanky Tree - seriously! The tree is about 60 feet tall and covered in hankys. Just in time for Swine Flu season!

Rhodys and Azaleas

The gardens of Kenwood HouseMarmite - having a sniff.
Speaking of Swine Flu......

1 comment:

emily said...

Oh man, I just got done with a long nights work and I read about the hanky tree and I had one of those laughs where you can stop and you are all by yourself and you are just giggling and giggling and laughs just keep coming out of your mouth even though you are trying to hold them back....I like that.