Monday, January 07, 2008

Jane Austin Day

This picture made us laugh when we first saw it. The butts is a large grassy area at the end of the town of Alton.
This is the house/museum that Jane Austin lived in while she wrote a lot of her novels.

Sharon's friend, Alison, was here visiting her from her VS position in Germany. While here, she wanted to do something very English. So we decided to have a Jane Austin Day. On Friday night the women watched the 5 hour BBC miniseries on DVD of Pride and Prejudice. Then on Saturday we took a train to Alton where we walked to the house/museum where Jane Austin lived and wrote a lot of her novels. We then took a bus to Alresford, a quaint village where we had a nice lunch at a pub (very English) with a cozy roaring fire. Then we took a walk around the village where we saw this thatched roof house (very English) stopped at a tea room for a creamed tea,(again very English) then went to a cute book shop and browsed for awhile. It was a nice day even though it was quite cold.

Things are back to normal at the Centre except that we have a major computer shut down. I don't understand what is wrong but I do know that we are really dependent upon computers because it practically shuts us down. I did get a bunch of filing done however.

1 comment:

The Grabers said...

Did you get your Birthday tea? Happy Belated Birthday, Phyllis! Hope it was a good day!