The London Mennonite Centre is a charity. And as with many charities, there are times when the bottom line doesn't look so good. Such is the case with the LMC. The programmes and activities at the Centre have changed and taken on different forms over it's 55 year history and now the Board of Trustees are having to make some decisions as to how the Centre can run more efficiently.
There are many people who have been positively affected by the LMC and want to see it continue. We are hoping for a positive response to our fund raising appeal that we are sending out this month and we covet your prayers for this appeal and for our staff, trustees, and programmes.

Here are a few pictures from a recent trip to the V&A (Victoria & Albert) museum in London. This is from the stained glass room.

This is an artists sculpture of Samson slaying the thousand men with the jawbone of a donkey at Ramath Lehi (Judges 15)
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