Now that the leaves are mostly shed from the trees we can see
Whittington hospital from our back yard. This is where we go to give blood, do lab work, or to be seen in the A&E (accident & emergency).

Ed and I worked in the garden on Saturday raking the leaves. It's a big job as we have so many trees. I helped for awhile but my arms felt like they were screaming so I had to quit sooner than Ed.

Other than the fallen leaves, it doesn't really look like Autumn. Many of the shrubs will retain their leaves all winter here.

I don't know if I ever have showed a picture of our train in our back garden. Somewhere along the years past, someone decided to shape the hedge into this train. It used to be a couple of feet taller but I told Ed it was too dangerous to trim and made him shorten it up.

Don't get them prickly things stuck in your foot!
Miss you guys!
While you are raking leaves, we were pushing the dusting of snow from the sidewalks! We had our first snow fall on Friday (11-21).
This week we will be enjoying way too much turkey and all the yummy calories that go with it. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Wait - do you celebrate this holiday? Oh well, Happy Thanksgiving anyway!!!
Miss you! Phil, Renee, Tyler & Nichole
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