Our church has a fun day now and then where we just get together and eat and play games. One of the games was a digital camera scavenger hunt. This is our team. We couldn't think of a catchy name on short notice so we were just the Team USA/MMN/LMC (United States of America/Mennonite Mission Network/London Mennonite Centre.)

Here is one of the three table games that was going on. I was in the library playing scrabble in which I came in 2nd out of four! Ed was up in our flat taking a nap.
I'm not sure how Ed could sleep through it, this crowd looks pretty exciting! I stopped playing Corbin in Scrabble because he always beat me so bad! Maybe, you can give him a game Phyllis!
Hi Ed, hi Phyllis ! Just to let you know that i come check your new messages sometimes - it's a great way to take some fresh news from you all ! Take care, and see you soon i hope ! Viviane
That all sounds like a lot of fun - we'll have to remember that camera hunt and do it here sometime!
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