I don't have many pictures on this computer of Erica but this is a good one taken at Emily's wedding in Oct 2006. She turned 23 on 15 August. Wow that went fast! My favorite story of Erica is when she was about 4 years old. She was over at Megan Gerbers playing for the day and I went over to pick her up to take her home. Pam and I went into the bedroom where they were playing and of course the room had toys and clothes strewn all over the place. Erica had her socks off (the usual) and so I asked her to find her socks and put them on because it was time to go. She was sitting on the floor and started to look around to locate her socks. She picked up a sock and said "is this my sock?" Then she held it up to her nose, took a sniff and declared... "yeah, this is my sock." I can still see that scene vividly in my mind.

We picked some strawberries about a month ago and the place we went had what they call "table top strawberries." The plants are in containers about four feet off the ground which makes for easy pickin'.

Here's a picture of Harrods. Harrods is a department store in London that is famous. It's always very busy but mostly with people gawking at the prices. When we went there the first time, I looked a a scarf.....well I passed it up as it was 250 pounds which translates into $500. There are always lots of high priced cars, limos, and taxi's outside having escorted the rich and famous to Harrods. They do have anything you could possible be looking for, even polo equipment.
Now that is the way to grow strawberries! Think how easy it would be to hoe the weeds. Oh, I guess you wouldn't even have to hoe, right?
So Erica is 23! That reminds me, you get older every year also ....... and so do I :(
Now, that is the way to grow strawberries; you wouldn't even have to hoe them! My kind of gardening!
So Erica is 23. That reminds me, you get older every year also........and so do I :(
We've been having London weather, so I'll have to pull out my Harrod's tea!
Yea, I know I've stayed up way too late. It really is after 3 am. The Olympic reruns were just as good as the first time. Well, and I did have to pay the bills!
Happy belated birthday to Erica! Thanks for the pictures of Harrod's. So, Ed do you think you'll be taking up Polo while in England anytime soon? ;)
Happy Birthday, Erica! Wow, that makes even me feel old!
Brilliant on the strawberry growing.
She's gonna be 24 before you add to the blog!
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