These are pictures that were taken near the end of April 2008 after she had gone through nearly a year of chemo and radiation. Kathy, the wife of the director of the LMC put together a quilt of blocks that people who knew Esther gave to Kathy and it was made into a comforter.

Here Esther is holding the book that tells who each block is from and a little writing from them to her. She was having difficulty talking both because the radiation had made her throat and vocal chords sore and because she was a bit overcome.
Easter died on July 11, 2008 and she will be greatly missed by her family and friends. Please keep her mother Lesley and her brother Adam in your prayers.

So sorry to hear about her passing!
Wow, what a sad story! Such a young age! The quilt and book will be a treasure that her family will have - what a great gift to her and to them.
We were stunned and deeply saddened to learn of Esther's passing. Ana and I met Esther through my long time friendship with Bernard and later Lesley and Adam. We have great memories of visiting with them in London and them coming to our house in Newton, MA. We were fortunate to know both Bernard and Esther as they struggled hard to make the world a better place. People like that are rare.
Thank you as well to the people who posted the details about her recent life and activities. It gave us a brief glimpse of the fine young woman she had become.
She was very fortunate to have such a supportive community and family with her to her final days.
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