This picture should actually have gone after the others but I didn't get it in the right order. After the day of all the things I described below, we ate at Wagamama's........good food!
Hey-do you realize it is now the 8th-that's almost a week without an update. Wake up Phyllis!!!! Alright, just because you've been busy dealing with my fam is no excuse. Thanks, by the way, they had a great time and said you were great!
We started this blog when we moved from Harper, KS to Woodland Park, CO where we built a house in 2006. Then in February 2007, we moved to London, England where we are the host couple at The London Mennonite Centre until February 2010.
That was one of my favorite places!
And I really need to stop visiting your blog when I'm hungry...
OH MY WORD. Would you look at Dad and Phil's faces! They are EXaCtly the same face. HEHE! I can't believe!
Hey-do you realize it is now the 8th-that's almost a week without an update. Wake up Phyllis!!!! Alright, just because you've been busy dealing with my fam is no excuse. Thanks, by the way, they had a great time and said you were great!
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