First off....Happy Birthday to my oldest sister Rosie!
We have been rather busy at the Centre and so have not been out and about to take any pictures lately. Besides the guest rooms getting a lot of use, the Prayer Hut and Library have been busier than usual. There have been different groups using our meeting space and we have had several seminars recently. We have been "on duty", 24/7 for several weeks now. But, we meet such wonderful people that, what we do, doesn't always feel much like work.
Ed has been working on the Centre's fund raising campaign and filling in as co director while the director and his wife are in North America on a three month assignment for Mission Network. That plus all his regular jobs. I've tried to help him some with the yard work which has left me with some sore muscles. With all these trees the leaf raking is a constant job.
I wish we had more guest room space as I have to turn people away frequently. There are many people who are on their way to or from mission assignments that need to stay over in London. It's always interesting to hear their stories.
We only have 15 months left on our term here in London, so if anyone of our readers from home were planning on visiting, make your plans soon!