In an earlier entry MB asked in her comments if we celebrated fireworks day. I was surprised that an American knew of fireworks day. So for those of you who don't as I didn't, I will give you a brief abridged history lesson. It's actually Guy Fawkes Day. It celebrates the foiling of the Gunpowder plot in which a group of Roman catholic conspirators of which Guy was a part of, attempted to blow up the Palace of Westminster to kill King James I of England and destroy Protestant rule and aristocracy. This was 5th November, in the early 1600's.
Fireworks were going off for at least a week and huge displays were all over. We could easily see one from our back balcony of our bedroom that was at a local sports field.

1 comment:
One of the judges on "Dancing with the Stars," mentioned this and so I thought I would ask. ;)
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