Friday 2nd November, 2007: No groups today so I did some spot carpet shampooing and guest laundry. Ed is busy raking leaves. It must be done at least every week or we would be buried in them as we have so many trees. We heard from the new young Mennonite church in south England that I had talked about before that has gone from a group of 8 to 30 plus. They meet 3 times/week in a small flat and the neighbors are complaining of the noise as it is in the evenings. So now they have to find a place to worship. They are mostly immigrants from all over, but the instigators are originally from South America. The main family whose father does the pastoring had to flee from Columbia as they feared for their lives due to their beliefs. They are in contact with the LMC and Urban Expression in London for ways of developing the church. It's exciting.
Sharon, the 23 y.o. on the top floor invited us to supper and we had a wonderful vegetarian curry. Reminded me of when we were early married as we ate with a mis-matched set of dishes, in her tiny room and helped to clean up in the tiniest of kitchens that is actually in the room of the other young girl on the top floor. Community living has it's upsides. She had the day off and felt like cooking so around 4:30 asked if we wanted to come up for supper.
Ed was able to call through to Barry Bontrager in Wichita where he is regaining strength at a rehab hospital following a heart attack with a few complications. It was good for Ed to get to talk with him. Praise God for his miraculous recovery.

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