This takes us to the Victoria & Albert Museum or as referred to here as the V&A. Like most of the other museums, it is free with a few special exhibits that cost extra. The exhibits are usually there for a few months at a time then move somewhere else. We don't too often take in the exhibits as there is plenty to see otherwise, unless it is really intriguing.
This first picture is of the early Europe cast room. It's a huge room full of casts of monuments, sarcophagus', and many other grand archetechural monuments and such that are famous. The shear size is impressive.

This last picture is of a 'choir screen' which of course is where the choir would be standing behind. I couldn't get the entire thing in my camera as there is an arch between me and the screen and I couldn't get in front of it as there was only about 10 feet between the screen and the railing. The V&A building is very lovely but it seems that I didn't get a picture of it.

I am sure that at the end of your three years you will have seen every square inch of London. We sure enjoy sharing your experiences that you post.
I'm enjoying the history lessons, as well. It was so fascinating to be actually standing near those historical things. I was only there for a couple of days - I can only imagine all that you will be able to experience in 3 years!!
I love the pictures that you are taking while you are in London. Keep up the great work E and P!
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