After being in the States for two weeks then getting back to London and jumping right into work, we haven't been away from the Centre much and haven't taken any pictures. This top picture is of Kim, The London Mennonite Centre's accountant. This is her youngest,
Kazeem, who comes to the Centre every day after school. One of his favorite things to do is of course spend time on the computer. Ed noticed that nearly every day he pulls up an image of a guitar that he has his eye on. He aspires to be a musician and have his own band.

We were on a walk in a small village in the
Cotswolds on our trip late in August and there were these two dogs guarding their property. I took the picture because it seems that everyone has pure bred dogs. I don't think I've seen anything but. I've also noticed that all dogs are well behaved and mind their masters. So when we walk
through the parks and woods in London, many dogs are off
leash but stick fairly close to their masters and come when called.
You posted just in time as I was about to nag you for new pics! Thanks for the entertainment!
cute doggies!
I love dogs! Can we have a basset hound yet?
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