Today, Kathy Thiessen is going to a Friends Meeting House where she was invited to talk to them about the Mennonites and our peace & justice stance. Ed is busy putting together the reports that the workers at the LMC are writing about their last six months here for the Board and Trustee meetings coming up next week. Vic is busy trying to nail down future seminar dates and have finalized two more for May and July.
I have done a variety of things like laundry and cleaning of guest rooms, answering email and inputting new and revised info into our data base. Tonight our church is meeting at the centre for supper, communion, and prayer. We have a new young married couple attending as well as two young girls. The attendees vary often as there are those who come during times of attending University in London or on a short work term, etc.
Ed and I have started to attend one of the home groups that meet every other Thursday evening, or once a fortnight as they say here.
It has been a beautiful two days here with lots of sunshine and mild temps.
