Saturday, February 23, 2008

Ode to Old Geek Shoes

Ode to Old Geek Shoes
by Ed Shirk

They were good
They were tough
They gave me comfort when times were rough.

From a day when all they saw
was polish, pavement and wall-to-wall.
....To the mountains where the air was dry and scarce
....on to London thick and soggy.

They were born in England
These shoes, rarely tied.
Uppers, fine, could buff right up
Soles, not so much
....Collecting soil samples in the garden
....Squishing sounds for hours in the rain
Noses, keep your distance!

I miss em, sure
they were the best
But they went the distance and deserve their rest
Rest in Peace, geek shoes of mine
You saw me through a relished time.


MB said...

Nice thoughts about those shoes!
You need to set this to music. :)

Spike & Glo said...

Who might be the meek
Owner of these shoes of geek?
Big shoes to fill
Was it Phyl?
Or the always ready
Hard working Eddie?

Sharon said...

No blushing for this poem, it's great!