Saturday, December 08, 2007

The last Cross Currents seminar for the Fall was last Saturday, December 1st called the Emerging Church: An Anabaptist Perspective. by Stuart Murray. He spent 12 years as an urban church planter in East London and continues to be involved in church planting as a trainer, mentor, strategist, and consultant. He is chair of the anabaptist network and author of several books. My only regret about working here is that I am busy in the kitchen and don't get to hear these speakers. I am still amazed at how many amazing people stream through the Centre in one capacity or another.
The other amazing thing is how often Ed and I are called upon to explain to others about the Mennonites and anabaptism and usually at the most unexpected times. Like when a delivery person is at the door. Last week we had a new floor put in at one of our flats that we rent out and the guy who showed up to do the work asked Ed about what the Mennonites are. And of course they want an answer in just a few minutes time. Days are rarely boring here.

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