Sunday, October 14, 2007

Wood Green Mennonite Church

This is one of the activities that often happen after church
The Wood Green Mennonite Church rents out the auditorium/fellowship hall of a Baptist church to have our church services in. Since the Baptist church meets in the mornings, we meet at 3pm. We put up this sign each Sunday and have to take it down after services. The Hall is cold, even in the summer and in the winter I have frozen feet by the end of the service. Like most buildings, there is no parking lot so we have to find a spot on the road somewhere. The blue van is the Centre's and these are some of the people that live at the Centre waiting for Ed to open the van.

1 comment:

The Grabers said...

You know Ed, without zooming in you can't even tell your eyes are closed! You guys look great!