Monday, October 15, 2007

Cross Currents seminar

On Saturday the 13th, we had a Cross Currents seminar at the Centre. This one was presented by Howard Zehr who is a prof at Eastern Mennonite University and is on a sabbatical. He is one of the gurus of peace and restorative justice. He does some things with photography and this seminar was on photography as meditation, a spiritual discipline. Ed attended and I tried to listen in when I could. It was really good. He was able to help Ed with some things that were frustrating him with his digital shots. He was accompanied by Dick Lehman who is a good friend of his. Dick is a well known potter who lives in Goshen, IN. We have a number of his things at our house. They are staying around a few extra days and it is nice to have them around.

On Sunday, several of us went to a concert at St Albans church in central London. First of all the church was beautiful and the choir(s) were fantastic. There were two pieces that were scores for 40 parts. This was done by having the choir divided into eight choirs, with five parts in each choir. The eight choirs surrounded the audience. It was nice to sit, close your eyes and drink in the music. Those old churches are great for that. The only uncomfortable thing were the very hard benches. An hour and a half of that made for a very sore rear.

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