Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A weekend away

There is a yearly event in Cheltenham on the raceway called "Greenbelt" which in a nut shell is a Christian Arts Festival. There are musicians, speakers, Boothe's, and much more that thousands of people attend. Some camp on site, others come for a day or stay nearby in a hotel or B&B. Our church, the London Menn. Centre plus a couple other organisations that the Centre is connected with have boothe's there and people sign up to man them. Ed and I decided we aren't the camping sort, especially in this case where the tents are only about 5 feet apart from each other, no showers, sleeping on the ground, etc. Plus all the hotels were booked. So we drove the others there and then took off for a long weekend away. Monday was what the British call a Bank Holiday. I don't know what the holiday was but it gives most people that Monday off. So the next few entries are about what we did. We had a great time and the weather was absolutely gorgeous. It was mostly sunny, usually in the mid 20's (C) which would be low 70's F and dry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We just took time to catch up on all your travels and excellent photos. You have some wonderful options for eventfillrd activities. Thanks for all the info and photos of your interesting experiences.