On 15 December, Ed and I flew back to Kansas to be with my mom who had come down with Pneumonia and was doing poorly. We were picked up by Pat McClure, Phyllis' brother-in-law, at Wichita airport and we spent the first night at their house. This is a picture of the sunrise the next morning on their land.
On Christmas Eve, Emily made sushi for everyone. We also had JJ's sister Lisa and her family over to eat and play 'Bonanza'.
My mom died on 19 December and the funeral was on 22 December. We were able to make a trip out to our house in Woodland Park, Colorado since our return tickets to fly back to London were not until 31 December. Emily was able to come to the funeral and her husband, JJ and our youngest daughter, Hilary, came to the Colorado house just before Christmas. The only downside was that Erica and Adam were not able to be with us. This is Christmas morning oopening up some gifts. The tiny Christmas tree you see behind JJ was cut by Emily who felt we needed a tree. 
Hilary bought this for Ed to use when he is on the tractor plowing the driveway. The day before, Ed had plowed without a hat and he came in with his eyebrows and beard all iced over.
Here the kids are opening up the blankets we got them in Scotland.
One night the Graber family came over to open some gifts we got them and to play some games. This is Andrew blowing his elephant that we got him. The sound is quite similar to an elephant. He would blow it every time someone 'farkled' during the game of Farkle.
Outside our house we found a couple of deer prancing around.

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