On Saturday, 17 October, our church had a work day at one of the members gardens. Ed and I from the LMC participated and drove over, parking in front of her house. There is a church directly across from her house with this sign. I was a bit confused as to what type of church they are. In case you can't read the sign it says: Trinity Aftrican Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. Hmmmmm.

Here I am standing about halfway down the garden. As most London gardens go, it is narrow. Usually they are often very small but Leslie has a fairly long garden for London standards. She by far has done more to her garden in the way of plantings as most of the other next to hers were bare of anything 'pretty'. You can see Ed in the background going out of the gate on the side of the house.

I am standing in the second half of the garden looking to the rear of the garden. This is Jane, another church member of Wood Green Mennonite Church. She is an animal enthuseist and before she would allow Ed to start the fire to the brush pile, she wanted to rake through it to make sure there were no hedge hogs that had burrowed into it during the last year that the pile had been collecting. I was half hoping for one to come out as I've never seen a hedge hog and was quite curious.
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