Sunday, June 28, 2009

Is it Russian or Australian? And trimming the hedge.

The week of June 22-26 the Bridge Builders team ran a Mediation course at the Centre which I had to cook lunches for. I really don't mind cooking if someone else would create the menus. So I spend a bit of time going through cookbooks deciding what to make. This week was a challenge as I had a gluten intolerant, one who is allergic to chocolate, diary products, & potatoes, one who couldn't eat cheese or citrus, and a vegetarian. Really makes me appreciate omnivores. So anyway, while making the menus, I decided to try some different things. This is called Pavlova. There is a dispute where it originated. It was made and named after a Russian dancer by the name of Pavlova, but she danced not only in Russia but also a lot in Australia and New Zealand. So there is a dispute as to whether it came from Russia or Australia. Does anyone out there have an opinion?
The week the mediation group was here we had beautiful weather so they could eat all their meals outside.

Ed decided it was time to take the front hedge down a couple of feet. He loves using power tools.

Back half is done. Now for the front half.

The finished product. Now that ugly sign needs to come down and a new one up.


emily said...

I don't have a comment about the desert but I do think it is funny how you called that person a gluten intollerant.

MB said...

Pavlova sounds Russian...but then again it sounds like that pyschology guy Pavlov (sp?). You know the guy who made the dogs drool when the dogs heard the stimulus (the bell ring). LOL!

The Grabers said...

I'm thinking I'd eat it no matter where it originated just because it is so darn pretty!!!

Renee said...

What a cooking challenge with all the diet restrictions!

However the desserts look tasty. That is the first I've heard of them :-)

And the hedge looks great! It makes the center look totally different.

Renee said...

Lookin' for some new photos guys. Guess you must be busy – it’s summer and people are traveling!! Hey what ever became of your decision about "are we staying or are we going?"