Saturday, June 13, 2009

Birds in the garden

This Saturday, 13th June we woke up to a beautiful day of warm air,mostly sunny skies, and lots of singing birds. Ed has great patience when it comes to 'shooting' birds with his camera. He'll spend a good bit of the day looking out of the window waiting for the perfect shot. Today he tried to get some good pics of a wren but it was proving to be difficult as she wouldn't hold still for very long.It looks like she is gathering building material for a nest.

If Ed's outside he can't resist snapping a few pics of the beautiful flowers we have in the garden.

Looks like the robins are building nests too.

Ed & I have been in London for nearly 2 1/2 years now. It's amazing to me how different life in London feels to me now as compared to our first year. Early on I would constantly notice all the differences between here and my life in the States, thinking that London had funny ways of doing and saying things, not to mention the difference in the weather patterns.
Now I've grown quite accustomed to most things. Someone recently asked me what I thought seemed funny to me as an American about English people. I honestly had to think about it for awhile because I realized that what used to feel awkward now feels normal.
As with so many experiences where you go into a situation of service, whether that be as a mission worker or serving in your church, etc., with the intention of giving of yourself, I once again have realized that I have received much more than I have given. It has made me wonder more than once who God had in mind, Ed & Phyllis or The London Mennonite Centre, as being the intended recipient of this service project. We feel extremely blessed to have been chosen to serve here at this time in this way.
Thank you to all of you who have supported us in your thoughts & prayers and with your visits and generous hospitality when we would come back to the States on visits.
Also thanks for being interested enough to keep reading this blog!

1 comment:

Renee said...

I love to watch the little birdies around here to, but I don’t' have the patience’s of Ed, I need to feed them so they come and rest awhile :-/

Sounds like your experience has left a big impact on both of you. Wondering what you have decided about "your" future at LMC?