It's 2nd January and it is time to get back into the routine of our jobs. After having close to 50F temps for the past week, it has gotten colder today, now still at 38F. However the sun is shining so that makes up for a lot.
Yesterday was a relaxing holiday. In the afternoon, Ed & I, Sharon and her friend who is visiting, Alison Yoder, played a game of photography scavenger hunt. We mutually made a list of things to find and take a picture of and went out on teams for an hour and a half. We deemed it a tie and went out for muffins and hot drinks in Crouch End afterwards. The first picture is some of us playing PIT. The next picture is Ed's photo entry on the scavenger hunt titled: Reusable Rubish found on the street.That evening we had another New years party. This one given by the director's family of Vic, Kathy, and Janelle Thiessen in our lounge. We had cheese and chocolate fondue, lots of casual conversation, then went around the circle twice where everyone had a turn at saying what meaningful or memorable book, film, trip, etc they experienced in 2007.
When it came to Ed's turn, he reported on a trip and then gave a short report on a book along with the title. Thing is, he made up the name and author of the book. We found out that this was on a dare from Sharon. It sounded pretty good. Several people from the church joined us and of course there was some game playing afterwards.
What did you all do?
Wow! You make us feel like "old folks!" I worked New Years Eve and New Years Day, so we choose to stay home. This was a hard choice for us because we have gone to Countdown Lancaster with our small group from church the past 2 years. So while we watched "Back to the Future reruns (free HBO for a month) our small group enjoyed supper together, took in a few Lancaster events and greeted guests at our church which hosted 3 Lancaster events: Storytelling, Riga tone music (combination of Christian & rap, is that even possible? LOL) and Country Line Dancing. Not attending was VERY difficult for me as I would have LOVED to country line dance (this would have given me a perfect opportunity to buy a cute pair of cowgirl boots!) But I felt sleep was more important then my desire to dance :-( I must be growing up. So we watched the ball drop in New York, toasted the New Year with a glass of Martini & Rossi sparkling wine (yummo), gave a New Year kiss and headed to bed only to wake up 4 1/2 hours later to head to work. So it was kind of different for us, but there is always more New Year celebrations to come. So we toast to you this 2008 and we can't wait to see you in June!! We are learning a few French phrases to help us along :-) Renee, Phil, Tyler & Nichole
ah yes, the Galactic Gardener ... and the darn anti-war slogan! Good memories. :-) By the way, I found out that the galactic gardener is the name of a computer game from the 80's. Obviously a good call for a sci-fi brilliant book of fiction.
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