We spent a day and a half in
Stratford which is on the river Avon. This is where
Shakespeare was born and lived. The entire town is dedicated to him in one way or another. You can tour his home, his wife's home, they have the Royal
Shakespear Company which has all kinds of
Shakespeare productions all year long. All of these were on a break during the weekend we were there. However, we found a young theatre group that put on the production of The Twelfth night on a stage outside by the river. We sat on mats on the grass and it was a beautiful day plus it was free. Well they did ask for donations at the end. After that a younger group, as in 12 year
olds, were doing Hamlet, but we ventured on towards other events. The first picture is of the river Avon, the next is
Shakespeare's home where he grew up, third is the theatre group at the end of the play, and the last is a statue of

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