These are pictures that we took back in March when Weldon, Jenny, and Laurel Martens were here visiting. Ed and I just haven't done much recently and haven't taken any pictures to show. And with all the cloudy, rainy, cool weather we've been having, I wanted to look at some pictures with blue skies to remind me that we do have sunshine here.
We are going on a weekend get away to a B&B and hope to have some good pics after that. We actually are flying back to the States on September 12
th to visit my mom and family in the Harper area, then most of the time in Colorado. We were hoping to be able to stay in our house that is being built in Woodland Park, CO. However, even though the inside is finished, the outside things are not completely done. The city & county are
stricked and they won't give us a certificate of occupancy until things are all done. It's hard for Emily and
JJ as they are going to move into the house wants it's done and they don't know when to tell their land lady. She wants a months notice and it's just hard to know. A year ago we thought we might possibly be in our house by the end of the year or at least before we left for London. Oh well!
The Centre has officially been closed to meetings, seminars, etc. for the month of August. We have continued to have guests in the guests rooms. We've had several people on their way to mission assignments and it has been interesting hearing about what they will be doing. Some are going home from their assignments and they enjoy having a stop in London for a few days before they go home. I'm glad we have a place for them to relax.
I'll try to post after we get back from our weekend in the