We are enjoying a visit from our daughter, Hilary. She is here for two weeks and we are trying to see as much as we can without going broke. There are lots of free things to do so we have hit several museums and have done several walks around the city. This is a shot on the millineum bridge heading towards St. Pauls cathedral. Just prior to this we had a self guided tour through "the clink", a jail on the river Thames. Then we went to the Tate Modern which is a museum of modern art. Hilary and I liked it a lot but Ed decided he is not the modern art kind of guy. We are going to the science and technology museum tomorrow which is down his alley.
WOW! Sounds like you are really taking advantage of all the sights to see there. You might run out of places to go before your term is up.
Hi, Hilary!
Was the "klink" the Tower of London? Lucky they didn't keep you there, Ed, or are you conforming to the scene and acting like a Brit?
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