Saturday, November 01, 2008

Daily prayers and a surprise snow fall.

Monday through Friday we have a short time of what we call Prayers. Right before lunch anyone in the house is welcomed to attend. We usually have a liturgical reading followed by prayers and end with a blessing. We take turns leading this and Phyllis is doing her part on this particular week.
We had a surprise last Thursday with some snow. It has been rare that London gets snow at all and especially as early as October. It was quite beautiful however. The past couple of weeks has given Ed and I plenty of opportunities to have theological discussions on many levels. We've had one of the LMC's counsel members visiting our library in preparation for a seminar he is speaking at and over coffee and tea breaks there have been good discussions. We've had numerous guests that have also joined in on our break times which have led to talks about their work for the church and a few days ago a guest that talked about why he has left the church. He is from Northern Ireland and it was intriguing to visit with him about his views and to answer all his questions about the Mennonites and Anabaptism.

1 comment:

flute4peace said...

Once again I'm uplifted by the experiences and pictures you share here. Thanks for giving us a glimpse into your lives.