Thursday, June 14, 2007

Phils java

This is a picture of thanks to Sharon Kniss' dad, Phil who roasts his own coffee beans. Alistair McKay of the Bridge Builders staff spent three weeks at EMU doing some teaching and brought back the beans with him. Sharon is from Harrisonburg and graduated from EMU in Peace and justice studies. She is the one sitting on the bench in front of me (Phyllis) with the darker hair. On the right side of the picture is Alan and Ellie Krieder who were at the Centre to do a one day seminar. They had spent around 20 years at the Centre as directors before moving on to several other places in the U.K. totalling 30 years here. They now are in Elkhart, IN working at the Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary.

1 comment:

flute4peace said...

Wow, looks like you're overdue for some comments! I'm enjoying the pictures and explanations. Looks like you're having a good, busy time there!