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So this is going to be the last blog entry for "Life as we know it". This blog started in 2006 after we moved to Woodland Park, CO and began building our house. Many people in Harper, where we moved from, were interested in how the building project was going. So Ed started the blog. As we were going to London the following year, we thought it would be fun to continue our blog throughout that experience. We have now completed our three year term with Mennonite Mission Network and are now home. We want to thank all of you who followed our blog and commented now and then. It was nice to know friends and family were interested in what we were doing. The following pictures are from our trip home. We flew into Philadelphia where we were picked up by Ed's brother Pete and his wife Sandy. We were able to watch the super bowl at his brother Phil and his wife Renee's house. We could only keep our eyes open through the third quarter before giving up to head to bed. We spent a day recovering from jet lag before heading on the train to New York City to visit Ed's sister, Sylvia. Then back to Leola, PA where we bought a used car. After more visiting with his sister Hilda and her husband Wes, as well as some other friends, we headed westward via other friends and the rest of our siblings. We made it to Bluffton, OH where we stayed with Bill and Susie Swartley; then to Goshen staying with Ed's sister Mim and husband Ron. We also got to visit with his sister Dorothy and her daughters. Then on to Chicago to spend a night with his brother Eric and his wife, Karen. Then a drive to southern Wisconsin to stay with his sister Louise and her husband Bill. Next was a drive to Iowa City to take out Sophie, our niece who is working at the University of Iowa. Heading south, we ended up at my side of the family. My sister, Rosie King, lives in rural Paola, KS. After a night there, we drove to Wichita and had lunch with my sister Linda, her husband Pat, their son Josh and his girlfriend, Mandy. Then a brief stop in Harper to pick up a piece of furniture which fit perfectly in our car. Then to Garden City to spend the night with my brother, Roger and his wife Carol. Then the next day west to Woodland Park where we are now! So within a week, we visited with Ed's parents and all 8 of his siblings and my 3 sibs. It was fun but we are glad to be home. Following are pictures of our trip home through the Eastern and Midwestern USA.
Please bear with me. I intend to add to this blog but it has been difficult to find the time! Ed and I are now back in the U.S. and just haven't had a spare moment to to anything on the internet besides check email and respond. We are making our way back to Colorado from the East Coast via friends and family. We are having a wonderful time of this. I intend to blog about our last week in London and then start on our trip home. SEE YOU SOON!