Life at the LMC has been hectic recently. With summer comes tourists and other kinds of travelers such as pastors on sabbatical. This keeps the guest rooms (which are few) full. So it seems I am constantly cleaning a room, doing the laundry, making sure there is enough food for their breakfast, etc. The latest couple from the states were Dave and Mary Miller from State College, PA. They attended East Goshen Mennonite when we were there back in the late 70's, early 80's. We did some catching up and had a good time visiting with them. He is traveling and studying on a Lilly Grant and has been taking in all things anabaptist. He was able to get in on a quarterly Root and Branch meeting as well as the monthly Highgate Churches together meeting which also had Dr. Chris Hewer who was the Administrator of Interfaith Relations to the Bishop of Birmingham. He spoke on ISLAM: IF I CARE, I WILL TRY TO UNDERSTAND.
The other fun thing happening here is that two of Ed's sibs have come to visit with their families. Phil, his youngest brother from Lititz, PA and their kids Tyler and Nichole arrived on Thursday, then Dorothy, the youngest sister, came on Saturday with her two girls, Lynn and Kelly. We enjoyed a nice meal together which started with appetizers in the garden.....

then the main in the kitchen.

Topped off with some card playing before bedtime.